Ice Cold Therapy For Knee Pain

I.C.E. DOWN Ice Cold Therapy For Knee Pain

Modern lifestyle has drastically changed the way we live and the way it has affected our health and fitness. Health problems of the modern age need contemporary solutions. Knee pain is a very common problem affecting young and old alike. Among athletes, knee pain arises from sports that involve running and twisting. Among older people, the cartilage that provides a cushion in our knees often just wears out, producing chronic stiffness and pain.

Knee injuries, however minor, can cause pain and discomfort that prevents you from engaging in your normal daily activities. Knowing when to use ice and when it is okay to use heat on a knee that is in pain or injured can make a big difference between easing the pain and encouraging your knee to start healing or preventing your knee from starting the healing process, potentially causing more pain. Knee ice wraps are a great way to reduce swelling and pain and help you indulge in a fitter lifestyle.

When to Use Ice Wraps and cold packs

When your knee aches from hiking, gardening or even playing a game of backyard hoops but doesn't warrant a visit to the doctor, then remember the acronym RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Applying ice is one of the best things you may choose to reduce inflammation and add to a healthy and pain free lifestyle. When the tissues around and in your knee are inflamed, it is not only painful but also makes it difficult to heal. Leave the ice pack on for 15 to 20 minutes and ice every few hours the first day and several times throughout the next few days.

When in Doubt

If you are looking to help heal the injury that is causing your knee pain, then use ice whenever in doubt of what to put on it. Ice will not do any damage if you are unsure that your area of pain is ready for heat or not. Applying ice helps creating a spectacle of changes to pain treatment. But be careful never to leave an ice or heat pack on your knee or any other injury for too long. Twenty-minute sessions are reasonable.